Category Archives: Firearms Defined

Transported a sawed-off shotgun in interstate commerce. Territorial Jurisdiction Challenge – A MUST.  United States v. Miller (1939)  Facts of the case: An Arkansas federal district court charged Jack Miller and Frank Layton with violating the National Firearms Act of 1934 (“NFA”) when they transported a sawed-off double-barrel 12-gauge shotgun in interstate commerce. Miller and Layton argued that the … Continue reading

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Fire Arm v. Shotgun v. Free Zone

Fire Arm v. Shotgun v. Free Zone: (((Are Hansen Comments))) Facts of the case: An Arkansas federal district court charged Jack Miller and Frank Layton with violating the National Firearms Act (“NFA”) (((Federal Law applies upon federal owned land, liken … Continue reading

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Officer this is not a firearm, as a matter of law!

As a matter of written law a ‘firearm’ is specifically a sawed of shotgun with a barrel of less than 18″ and an overall length of 26″. Or a sawed of rifle with a barrel less that 16″ and an … Continue reading

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