Monthly Archives: September 2014

Domistic violence claim abuse.

  Domistic violence: What must be present to prove general domestic violence. 3rd Party Impartial Witness Without such a witness the court lacks sufficient evidence to convict, or even proceed. I recommend, that if a person is subject to domestic … Continue reading

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Affidavit, Evidence

Affidavit, Evidence A sworn written document (affidavit) is only evidence that a man is willing to attest to it orally if need be. So all affidavit evidence can be stipulated to (pretrial) as true if the opposing party agrees, if … Continue reading

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Arraignment, how to challenge claim in common law.

Who is the man making a claim against me? <p>I wish to meet with this man to do my best to make it right with them.

Posted in Arraignments / Jurisdiction, Common Law | Leave a comment

NOTICE by – Lien, Levy, IRS must follow…..

NOTICE – Lien, Levy, IRS must follow….. First it is all about NOTICE. IRS generally sends you two BILLS for a tax due, generally thirty days apart. Then, if you do not respond adequately in there opinion, they send a … Continue reading

Posted in IRS, IRS / Assessment / 6203, IRS / TAX COURT / NO, IRS 6203 Demand, IRS Liens, Levy, Lien / Common Law | Leave a comment

Protected: M1S-30, Mann Private Dictionary–(5$) Documents that reference specific word by “*” to use this site as the definitions relied upon.

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Posted in Definitions Used | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: M1S-39, US Courts of RIGHT are Courts at NO COST. Brief Cost $5

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Posted in Court, Court Fees | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: M1S-41, Common Law Court, Court of Record, How to Convene’, (?$)

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Posted in Article 3 Court, Common Law, Common Law Jury, Trial by Jury v. Jury Trial | Enter your password to view comments.