Category Archives: Levy

‘Federal Tax Liens’ expire every 7 years.

Notice that on the below it gives a date that the lien automatically expires. Filling good only for seven (7) years. As soon as you get one of these we can supply you with an inexpensive administrative process to force … Continue reading

Posted in IRS Liens, Levy, Liens IRS | Leave a comment

NOTICE by – Lien, Levy, IRS must follow…..

NOTICE – Lien, Levy, IRS must follow….. First it is all about NOTICE. IRS generally sends you two BILLS for a tax due, generally thirty days apart. Then, if you do not respond adequately in there opinion, they send a … Continue reading

Posted in IRS, IRS / Assessment / 6203, IRS / TAX COURT / NO, IRS 6203 Demand, IRS Liens, Levy, Lien / Common Law | Leave a comment