Category Archives: Social Security / Disclosure Law Limited

Free Inhabitant v. State Citizen / US Citizen

45 minute, Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation, with Audio, by Paul John Hansen, Counsel / Lawyer Titled as:   Free Inhabitant One A 1. How to understand the basics of removing ones private property from the County Tax Roles. 2. How to avoid … Continue reading

Posted in -The REST of the Story, 13th Amendment USA Const., 501c3, Abortion Issues, Address / Residence, Allegiance / Pledge, Appeal Briefs / Criminal, Arraignments / Jurisdiction, Arrested Again, Attorney / Deception, Audio Archives, Bank / Credit Cards, Bank / Promissory Note, Banking/Money Issues, CASE LAW / PLUS, Child Support, Christ Community Church, Christ Community Church / Omaha, Common Law, Common Law Jury, CONSTITUTIONAL, Counsel / Right to, County, County / Jurisdiction, Court, Demolitions to Hansen's Property, Doug Sanford / Jim Sanford, DRAFT / MILITARY, Evictions / Made Easy / $35.00, Excommunication, Federal Reserve #1, Foreclosure, Grand Jury Confirmation / Proof, Gun / Rights / Law, Hansen, Hansen Arrested Again, Health / Foods, History / Time-Line, History / USA Constitution, Hits, Hovind, Identification / Private, Illuminati / CFR, INTRODUCTION PAGE / INDEX, IRS, IRS / Assessment / 6203, IRS / TAX COURT / NO, Islamization, Judicial / Tyranny, Jurisdiction, Jurisdiction / Arraignments, Jurisdiction / General / Travel Right, Jurisdiction / Personal / Subject Matter, Jurisdiction / Territorial, Jury Duty, Jury Pool, Kent CSE Misistry, Land Patent, Law / Legislator, Liberties / Rights / Freedom / Law, Limits, Map / Federal / USA / OWNED, Marriage / License, MONEY, NE, Notices, Omaha, Passport, Pictures, Procedure / Rules of Court, Property, Republic / True / Dejur, REST OF THE STORY, Right To Travel, Automobil v. Motor-Vehicle, S.S. Number Disclosure Law, Sales, Sheriff, Social Security / Disclosure Law Limited, SODOMITE / HOMO / GAY / SIN, Software, SSN / Social Security Number / Stop, State, State / "in this state" / "this state", Statutory Construction / PERSON, Tax, Tax / Income / State, Taxes, Taxes / Property, Taxes / Sales / State, Travel / A Right / MSO, Trespass v. Trespassing, Trust / Church, Uncategorized, United States is Legaly Bankrupt, USA the Tyrant?, Vacate Court Orders, Voting / Registered, Welfare Scams, Wisdom / Old Sayings / Quotes, www. Activity on my Site., Zip Code / Good or Bad?, Zoning | 4 Comments

SSN / How to Stop its Effect.

To stop the effect of a SSN one must stop using it. If the SSN was not given to you under full disclosure it essentially was not  given to you, if it was not legally or lawfully given to you … Continue reading

Posted in S.S. Number Disclosure Law, Social Security / Disclosure Law Limited | 1 Comment

Social Security #, Disclosure Limited, Law

P.L. 93-579, Approved December 31, 1974 (88 Stat. 1896) Privacy Act of 1974 * * * * * * * Sec. 7. [5 U.S.C. 552a note] (a)(1) It shall be unlawful for any Federal, State or local government agency to … Continue reading

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