Chad Peterson, Chad Michaels, aka, Excommunication, Christ Community Church,, Omaha, Nebraska

2016 Pastor Chad Charged With Date Rape.

Matt 10:16  Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

All communications as to these contents, or to report a crime, call 402.227.8189 / 251.362.8231 /

Excommunication, Christ Community Church, Omaha, Nebraska

[[[  Chad Peterson has chosen to use a new name Chad Michaels in the www arena.   We believe that this is primarily to disassociate internet searches to articles that match his real name.  He can run but the truth is close behind.  See >  ]]]

-One church leader came to me and said I did not do one thing wrong, not one thing, you are getting railroaded.

-Mr. B called me before the church elders, the following in a nut shell happened.

-I told them of several girls that came to me stating serious misbehavior of Mr. B.

a. One Girl said Mr B got her in a strip poker game and it got to the point where she said; Mr B, “I swear actually wanted me to take my shirt off.”

b. Another girl told me; that if Alice (Mr. B closest friend.) ever found out what he did to me she would kill him, stating first that it started as they were laying on the couch together.

c. Another girl said that he grabbed her improperly and got into her personal space.

d. A man cam to me an said that Mr. B has a type of codependent-emotional adultery thing going on with his wife and he was desperately concerned to the point of wanting to move far away to break it.

-One Church elder of Christ Community Church said we do not care what you have to say, you must never talk of this again to anyone in this Church, saying they will take care of it.

-I responded by saying; I did not go to these girls, they came to me because they know that I do not back down from doing what is right, that these girls where crying out for something to be done, that we can bring these girls in and if they do not want to repeat what they told me or deny anything I have said then I was willing to drop the whole thing.

-The elders at Christ Community Church said that was not going to happen.

-I left the Church, I was told that 200 people (my friend) where called together and told that I was excommunicated and that no one of that Church is to associate with me with out facing similar Church discipline.

-Mr. B never did repent; the Church never did tell the 200 people the truth, many to this day believe that I must have been excommunicated for some thing like adultery or something else that I did.

-That is why I put this site up, the truth should be told at all times.

-Believe it or not just months before this an elder asked me to be on the Church board because he was impressed with my ability to understand scripture and the force to be a great contributor to the board, it never happened, he latter told me that keep sending good people as nominees and the HighArcky just keeps refusing the best of men, implying  they only select followers not leaders.

-Mega Churches are often mega messes.

Paul John Hansen

p.s.  Everyone asks me if Mr. B is Chad Peterson ( Great Adventure Ministries – GAMe ) and I always ask; “who else could it be?”  Mr. B picture below:


> I personally am aware of a time when Chad was extremely inappropriate with a young lady in GAMe. …“wrestling around” and Chad ended up on top of her. She said that Chad began to *rub himself on her* and that she
> could feel his private parts. She froze and went cold. After a short time
> of him rubbing on her back and forth he finally stopped… Did he “get off”?
> She was not sure about that. She said she felt *extremely violated*, but…    .                     –See as highlighted below.

To my surprise several others contacted me and told me the same thing happened to them.  Study excommunication, it is only to be done in the severest cases of unrepeated sins like adultery, such as sleeping with your father’s wife.  Now really how close was I to that.

What I have personally witnesses Chad Peterson consistently do in the ten plus years that I spent around him, in a nut shell, is as follows:
He directs his attention upon people, especially girls, that respond to the following:
1. Seeking intimate attention (lonely, desperate).
2. Have little to no male leadership (biblical covering) in their lives.
3. Respond to eye contact during conversations.
4. Are drawn to men that closely watch their lips in the same conversations.
5. Respond to random touch.
6. Allow themselves to be emotionally open with a man that is not their husband.
7. Have low discernment as to the spirit, and motives, of men’s advancements.
8. Allow themselves to be alone (unchaperoned) with a man that is not their husband. Though Chad “appears” to have a life long tendency of violating girls when he gets them alone, he still aggressively moves in that direction.
9. Girls that do not recognize that a man who hangs around with girls instead of men is dysfunctional.  (A common activity of homosexual men.)
10. Do not recognize the signs of a player.
11. Are drawn to men that have leadership skills.
12. Do not recognize manipulation, control dysfunctions, or power trips.
13. Women that “date” and do not understand the principal of biblical guided interaction with the opposite sex and timed courtship.
14. Women that tend to be codependent.
15. Women that are easily manipulated.
16. Women that are open to emotional exposure (a emotional form of adultery), calling it male friendship.
17. Women that do not yield to obvious red flags.
18. Do not discern the true potential of a person that uses Christian ministry as a cover for a professional liar and manipulator for power, money, and opportunity for the flesh.

More details below.


7-7-2014  Another Girl Claims Being Violated by Chad.

I would like to come forward. I started attending game this year and fell prey to Chad Michael’s manipulation and lies. At first I was impressed I found a good place to study God’s word with genuine individuals who sought after His heart. I was especially intrigued and impressed with Chad as he seemed equally so with me.
However after a few months his behavior began to make me feel uncomfortable. He touched me in ways and placed on my body that were not appropriate, found many opportunities to be alone with me, made me touch him and other things telling me it was ok it wasn’t sex, and told me if I didn’t do what he said I could never come back to game. I thought surely others must recognize this. But a lot of the leaders are new Christians “baptized” by Chad himself who is not even an ordained minister. He’s duped these poor young women not unlike myself to believe his lies, to believe that a “pastor” is something that he really is not. They do what he says as if he’s the one calling the shots and honestly after spending the last few months away from there and in a new church, I’ve witnessed the real power of god, I’ve felt real worship, had real prayer and I’m surrounded by real Christians. The spirit is so evident to me, but at game it was empty. Now I know why. Their leader is empty. Chad if you’re reading this I forgive you. I feel sorry for you. It must be exhausting to pretend everyday. I pray that you will one day fill the emptiness in your heart that you have tried to hide with lies and false ministries with a genuine relationship with god. You talk a lot to me about finding a wife, if you truly wanted that and sought after gods heart and asked god for that then you would recognize you behavior with us girls as inappropriate. I wouldn’t marry a guy who spends his time taking trip with girls, letting them hang at his house all the time, letting them lay on him or rub his shoulders. I’d look at that boy and say, ” the re s a selfish player”. I feel sorry for you. You may think you’re surrounded by people and you can threaten them, control them, do whatever you want to keep them from leaving and to keep them in your box, but you’ll always be alone, unless you change. You know I use to say I can’t know what’s in a persons heart. You may have a relationship with God but brother you aren’t living a life in validation of it. I’m ashamed of what I allowed of what I witnessed and accepted and of being so proud to be a member. You will fail unless you make radical change and I’d beg public confession and request for forgiveness. You will fail because I realized its all about you, not about god, the ministry, the people, or anything else….its all about Chad.
After making my decision Chad actually had all my friend from game ignore me, everyone stopped talking to me. People I believed who were good Christian friends just fell in line and stone walled me. There is no conviction among a single soul who know Chad and it is a shame. Part of he wants to blame them, but I believe they are even more duped than I. I have the advantage of knowing my faith before him, he didn’t shape it for me but he has poisoned poor girls not as strong as I in false testimonies. I’d beg to offer he’s a false prophet reminiscent of the anti-Christ who will charm his way into peoples hearts. He wears the suit really well, the armor of god would almost fit, except his armor was not formed by god, his was forged by his own hand to look like the armor of god. I asked for forgiveness, god granted it to be because I asked. I hope the other women of game see this and search their own hearts to see the truth about him and feel the conviction of the lord upon their hearts. It’s not too late. And I urge them to share their stories too, he can’t be allowed to continue in this way without true repentance and even then he should not be in his position he’s not fit to lead Christians. I swear on my faith in Jesus Christ this testimony is true and you can share it here in the hope and expectation that others from game or seeking interest in game will find the truth.


-I had a room mate that was somewhat of a self promoted staff member of Christ Community Church, I call him Mr. B.

-The Single pastor at the time, David Churchill, said, with concern, that he could not even schedule events with out making sure it did not crossover one of Mr. B’s events.

-Mr. B is in my opinion, and many others, was an expert at manipulation, one Church Ministry College Student told me that it was like talking to Satan when dealing with Mr. B’s calculating maneuverings.

-Discerning men of the church had a general consensus of what was going on and often avoided association with his group Mr. B was leading, often saying that those who follow such a man lack discernment and are somewhat needy in a unhealthy way, stating the word codependent.

-After a time I started hearing talk of improper behavior in the past with Mr. B and many girls he had associated with over the many years starting with his collage years to the present.

-I never repeated such statements but did consider their credible sources, some of them claiming first hand testimony.

-As his room mate I was deeply concerned with the contact Mr. B  had with these several girls, these girls would come to the house in file one after another and give him back messages endlessly, long talks liken to a husband and his wife, each girl vying for special attention from him.

-At times some visitors would talk openly to Mr. B about this or that as leading the girls on, such as a player.  Mr. B one day said; “if they do not like it all I can say is thanks for playing, then he would laugh as several of the discerning men sat with deep concern of this being simply wrong, very wrong.

-About this time I started telling Mr. B that this back messaging is not proper and my friend do not even want to come over because it is some-what repulsive to them to watch such shallow behavior. I told him I would not tolerate such behavior, he responded by taking the girls in to private rooms, some times even on the bed in his bedroom, although leaving the door open.

-I was not going to let this continue, we owned a boat together and such blatant behavior was not tolerable, I informed him that if such does not stop I would have to break fellowship with him and I would ask others to do what is needed to stop such unchristian behavior.

-He did not want to give an inch, he even had the same girls act unbecoming even more so around me and my friends.

-The top of this page is what happened.


Would like to add to ca’s testimony. In the late 2000′s Chad was in a several year long relationship with a girl from GAMe, though the last year or so of it was pretty much going nowhere. In early 2010, Chad’s ex girlfriend started dating another guy in GAMe. Chad immediately retaliated by “excommunicating” both of them as part of “church discipline” even though no specific sins were fully detailed out and GAMe is not a church. We were told not to talk with or associate with them or anyone who sided with them. The next several months became a circus of special meetings addressing these controversies. When 2010 started GAMe had around 100-150 people attending its Monday and Tuesday services. By that fall so many people had left that GAMe was forced to reduce itself to just its Tuesday night service; in 2014 they still only meet on Tuesdays and less than a dozen people from 2010 or earlier remain. The GAMe board at that time demanded that Chad step down once they realized what was going on was wrong. Since his removal would require himself to also vote himself out, of course that wasn’t happening. The entire GAMe board ended up stepping down as a result. Many of these board members and regular members that left had put years of their lives and many thousands of dollars into what they thought was a good and godly venture. For those reading any of the accounts here and still have doubts, go to the link at the top of the page that will take you to the GAMe Truth e-mails that are posted on this blog. Many of those people whose names show up in those e-mails can be found on Facebook and in Omaha area churches. Many of them are willing to share their testimonies or at the least are willing to steer you to others.

RC Burney


Chad Asked to Step Down.


Through much prayer and advice from others, I have decided to give Chad
Peterson until March 15th to step down and leave Great Adventure Ministries
aka GAMe. If he chooses to make this recommended choice then nothing else
will be said about him. My entire purpose from the start was to stop Chad
from continuing to damage other people, like he has damaged and scarred me.
My pastor also agrees with this decision. If you are Chad's friend, I
encourage you to help him make this choice.

If Chad does not remove himself from GAMe, he will open himself up to the
consequences of his own actions. I have detailed information of very
disturbing and disgusting things that Chad has done and said. (I have
physical proof as well as many personal testimonies). When this information
gets out he will not be looked at in the same way. If he chooses not to
step down, this information will be sent to every pastor in Omaha, as well
as the police department and his family. My pastor and I both agree that
Chad could even end up in jail facing charges. Then a week later it will be
sent out to everyone else. I hoped it wouldn't come to this, but I'm not
sure if GAMe will survive once this all goes down.

The things that Chad believes no one knows about, I know about. I have
learned too much about this monster. So help me God, I will not stand back
and allow him to prey on others!

Before I finish, I want to address your concerns in regards to Matthew 18.
First, Matthew 18 has to do with conflict amongst Christians, and I
honestly do not think Chad is saved -- especially after knowing what I do.
No Christian leader would have done the things he has. Second, he has been
talked to before using the Matthew 18 principles (many many times). But
because GAMe doesn't answer to anyone, and because Chad Peterson has no
home church or pastor, he continues in leadership at GAMe. There is no
accountability! So even if things are done in the right way, it ends up
just being a slap on the wrist to Chad, there has been no resolution. This
has been discussed in detail with my pastor. If he doesn't step down and
the information is indeed shared you will understand.

That's all I have. Someone please make sure Chad gets the message.

GAMe Truth


Below are more, even bigger, disturbing accounts of GAMe Pastor’s (Chad Peterson) behavior.

> Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 15:04:05 -0600
> Subject: THIS IS IT! about Chad Peterson…
> From:
> To:
> I don’t want to bring a case against Chad in court, that is not my point. I
> could never win against such a *master manipulator*. What I want to do is
> shed light where sin has been hiding in the dark… In quotes throughout this
> email are comments from people responding to the call to stand up for what
> is right!
> *”First of all, thank you for bravely doing what so many of us have wanted
> to do for so long: take a stand against Chad Peterson. I never felt the
> need to come forward with my story… until now. Like you, we were afraid
> of the repercussions. But, the time has come that our stories must be
> told.”* **Author wanted to remain anonymous**
> Below you will find numerous accounts of Chad’s abusive behavior, his
> deception involving finances and taxes, and his disturbing sexual
> misconduct. There is a lot of information, but I would like to start with a
> story that fired me up to start this journey. Hearing that there might be
> paperwork and evidence against Chad finally gave me a reason to step up and
> do something!:
> Three friends living in one of Chad’s houses were *severely harassed* by
> Chad, to the point where a *restraining order* was put in place to protect
> them against this Monster! The ladies had Chad served by the local
> authorities. All they wanted was to live in peace for those last few weeks
> as they scrambled to find a suitable house to stay in where they would feel
> safe again. The restraining order was put into place because
> Chad continually bothered these girls. Chad would show up at their house
> unannounced to use the hot tub that was in their backyard, and many times
> the ladies were frightened (they brought this to his attention many times).
> Also Chad wanted to share his opinions on a particular matter that they
> didn’t agree with and he continually bothered them and violated their safe
> place, their home.
> It got so bad that the *Omaha Police Department* investigated the situation
> and sent a letter to the ladies advising that if they came in and signed a
> complaint Chad would be charged with *misdemeanor harassment* and put in
> jail. (Please note, I have a letter from the Omaha Police Department
> showing this to be true). When a christian is struck on the left side of
> the check, the bible calls us to turn the other cheek, correct? So what did
> Chad do? He hired an attorney immediately (probably using GAMe’s resources,
> but this has yet to be proven) and basically scared the girls into dropping
> the suit. Chad then turned around and sued the girls for fictitious
> reasons, later this would be dropped. Chad then refused to give the girls
> their deposit back. They did move out as asked. They also stopped attending
> GAMe because their presence there made Chad uncomfortable. This is NOT what
> a christian man does!
> Even worse, while Chad had a *restraining order* placed on him while the
> harassment charges were being settled, the girl who filed them was not
> allowed to attend GAMe in case Chad was there. Chad decided to start coming
> back before the legal actions were completely settled. The girl was
> permanently banned from GAMe.
> Of course all of these issues were kept quiet in GAMe and denied all over
> the place. Keeping the girls away helped to keep everyone out of the
> loop. *Don’t
> be fooled!* This story is FACT, not hearsay at all! Ask around. Rumors
> wouldn’t be flying around this much if it wasn’t true!
> *****Here are some of the most interesting quotes from people who have
> responded*****
> **If you saw someone hurting your friend, would you just walk away? I can’t
> just stop giving to GAMe or stop going to GAMe. That won’t do anything. It
> won’t help me to help my friends. Chad is hurting our ministry! I want GAMe
> to grow so badly and I want a place to invite people that need Christian
> fellowship, but I haven’t been able to invite anyone to GAMe for a while.
> I’m embarrassed! I can’t bring anyone else into this environment.
> Especially young women. The events are costing more now because we can’t
> draw in enough people. How much more money are we going to spend on
> advertising? *Just advertise that Chad is gone and all of the past GAMers
> that are still single will come running back!*
> **”What am I supposed to do when my non-Christian friends want to go to
> GAMe events? Do I encourage them and hope that they see enough light before
> they are drawn into all the nastiness?”
> **”What always fascinated me was how afraid friends of mine were of him and
> because I think I kept my distance I never experienced the full force of
> him.”
> **”I am very thankful you are planning on bringing this up to a pastor. I
> have been blessed to be underneath some very godly pastors at my church. I
> am training there to be an intern, so I spend a lot of time with them.
> Being a female, I see how careful they are to be accountable and above
> reproach when they are around me. They take their role as pastors, and my
> heart as a single female who is in their care, very seriously, and I thank
> them so much for it! Given such godly examples right up close, there has
> been countless times I’ve been faced with the reality of exactly how much
> Chad is not behaving at all like a pastor should, like you mentioned.
> Instead, he is exactly the biblical example of a false teacher and should
> be exposed. ”
> **”From what I can tell Chad is in full ownership and control of GAMe and
> the only way to put that to an end is either a) make GAMe too much of a
> financial burden for him to not want to continue maintaining it or b) he is
> convicted by the Holy Spirit. Considering he has put in approximately
> $50,000 of his “own money”, it’s going to be very hard for him to walk away
> from what has been a very rewarding personal/business experience for him
> (friends, a potential dating pool, the prestige, the power, the control,
> people in GAMe being renters to pay off his multiple homes, etc.).”
> “Below is what Chad has done to me, and what I have seen him do
> 1) Lying – to the board to get me kicked out, and to me regarding what the
> board had heard, also to many other people – Angie Kment, Erin Stargel
> 2) Manipulation and abuse – threatening me with being kicked out of GAMe
> and being sent away from my friends, as well as using past relationship
> pains against me in conversation
> 3) Using ministry authority for revenge, and requiring all GAMe members to
> be complicit in that sin (Matt Joens & Katie Joens, Kristina Wieners)
> 4) Holding certain girls in dating limbo – treating them as his property,
> sabotaging any guy’s attempt to date them
> 5) Trying to block and/or destroy relationships to keep control of the
> girls
> 6) Unlawful eviction: Chad’s absolute control over renters, and additional
> leverage of control as ministry leader has been abused in multiple cases.
> In some cases he used personal discomfort as the tool, but it still is a
> violation of due process
> 7) Blackmail & Smearing – whenever someone comes up against them, Chad
> drags out all the dirt he has on that person to shut them up. If someone
> complains about mistreatment of a friend, Chad tells them all kinds of dirt
> on that friend. In this way he maintains cult like control via fear.”
> ***E-mails from former members and a former board member***
> ***Within the last 3-4 months the entire board has stepped down! Two years
> ago the same thing happened. Both times the board asked Chad to step down
> and instead the board members ended up leaving because Chad wouldn’t go.
> August 31, 2010
> Chad Peterson,
> We come to address you because we, the undersigned, love Great Adventure
> Ministries. We feel that this ministry has served singles in a needed way
> and that God could use this ministry in larger ways. We, however, feel
> that this cannot happen with you as the leader. We have seen a cycle in
> your life that is unsettling and recent events have given us great
> concern. We do not see godly characteristics in your current leadership.
> We will list some of our reasons below:
> The lack of honesty in regards to members of the board resigning
> The number of people that have had conflict with you that resulted with
> them leaving
> The way that dissenting voices are silenced; misusing the word gossip
> The inability to accept rebuke (i.e. from the board, specifically
> Roseana Smith)
> The lack of respect you have for people’s boundaries
> The spreading of gossip about former members
> In light of the reasons above, we, the undersigned, will not be a part of
> Great Adventure Ministries with you as the leader; either you remove
> yourself from leadership or we will leave and speak the truth to whom it
> may concern.
> Sincerely,
> Chris Stargel, Brad Roe, Erin Ostberg, and Jennifer McBride
> ****** & *******, September 2011
> First, Chad has a consistent track record of drama. A consistent record of
> speaking inappropriately to others. I have spent so much of my time on
> such unnecessary things, it is ridiculous! Meetings about how people don’t
> agree with Chad, meetings about how people are friends with Chad’s enemies,
> meetings where I am asked to be a referee… I mean what the heck? Is this
> really what being a pastor looks like? Is this what we are paying Chad to
> do?
> Second, Chad has serious issues involving inappropriate behaviors. Whether
> it is allowing a young girl to stay at his house (*******), and the girls’
> house is right next door?! He left a GAMe group, recently, to go back home
> to watch a movie with a young 24 year old, alone, who had recently visited
> GAMe for the first time (within the past month) (******) FYI 17 year age
> difference. Hot tub rules don’t apply to Chad (the girl guy ratio rules),
> Chad is the only guy in the hot tub with multiple girls. Both of our staff
> girls have admitted to having feelings for Chad, and yet they both work for
> him, alone with no other males present. He has multiple best girl friends,
> and yet his relationships with other males do not go very deep. Is this
> what you see in your pastors life?
> Third, everyone makes mistakes! David made great mistakes, and yet God
> said he was a man after his own heart. Why? Because he had a truly
> repentant heart! I hear all too often Chad making excuses for why things
> are the way they are, and very very rarely does he own up and take
> responsibility. And the times when he does finally apologize, it is only
> because he has been called out by several people. He doesn’t ever claim
> responsibility, or cop up to what he has done wrong. And, again, if he
> does finally admit something, there is no real consequence, so it
> eventually just happens once again. Is this really the picture you have of
> a caring pastor?
> And on that note Chad is almost down right mean to people who have chosen
> to be friends that used to go to GAMe. Seriously, what kind of crap is
> that? Is that how a caring pastor acts?
> He has devastated a young lady, namely ********. He has confused her, hurt
> her, broken boundaries with her by getting too close. And yet, I have seen
> this man in rage and angry about how her hurt has hurt his image. This is
> disgusting and a disgrace to God himself. Tell me, is this really what a
> pastor looks like?
> Chad ultimately only cares about Chad. He may open his house up, and take
> us on some cool boat rides, but deep down, its all for him, especially when
> it comes to his image.
> ******, you heard ****** say at the meeting we had, “Chad you are a self
> proclaimed pastor.” I have personally talked to Chad about this before,
> and he had told me that he did not choose this title, but the people of
> GAMe chose this for him. Well maybe if he acted like a pastor, he would be
> thought of as a pastor, but he doesn’t act like one, and as you witnessed
> ******, he is not thought of as a pastor. And if he were a pastor at a
> church, there is no way he would continue in this role, he would be asked
> to leave.
> And today that is what I am asking. I am embarrassed of what is going on.
> I don’t want my friends to come to GAMe. I hope you two have gotten to
> know me, at least a little. Within the past year I have become very close
> to Chad, he has been like a brother to me. I know this email will cause
> much pain, but if I don’t stand up for what is right, than I never deserved
> the second chance that God gave me at life. There has been no policy as
> far as consequences for this kind of behavior with our leader. At an
> Assemblies of God church for example, when inappropriate behavior is
> displayed, the first time there might be just a warning, but after that a
> pastor would be asked to leave. If that person is serious about repenting
> and still being in the ministry generally they are counseled by another old
> pastor for a couple years and then reevaluated.
> Too many issues, too many people hurt. It has to stop. Many people have
> come to me in confidence, as I am really the only other strong male leader.
> I am open to talk to the two of you. As of right now you two are the only
> ones to have received this email. I have been in prayer about this for a
> long while now.
> Still praying,
> **** *******
> (The author asked that the other names in this e-mail be hidden for
> confidentiality)
> Here are the main issues GAMe members have with Chad:
> *No one is saying that Chad should not be paid. But all of the income and
> all of the resources from GAMe are there to benefit Chad Peterson. Like I
> have said before approximately 70% of GAMe contributions go directly into
> Chad Peterson’s pocket.
> Also, there are *apparent violations of tax laws*. Chad appears to be using
> GAMe as his *personal tax shelter, *and the organization is structured so
> that *he holds all the assets if it folds*. It appears that GAMe’s earnings
> insures a private individual in violation of the
>,,id=96099,00.html .
> Chad’s actions of controlling, appointing and having extensive financial
> interactions with the board also appears to violate IRS guidelines
> . Chad also has
> rental houses that he calls “ministry houses”, and he somehow ties this
> into GAMe’s tax shelter. Which is totally *illegal* seeing that not
> everyone who rents from him even attends GAMe. But by calling them
> “ministry house’s” he is able to avoid paying most Federal Taxes as well as
> most local state taxes because GAMe is a non profit 501C3* –THIS IS
> ILLEGAL–.* Rest assured the IRS, along with the local State Tax Board will
> be notified of this fraudulent activity.
> Also, one person stated,— “we had a huge open house and did numerous
> fund-raising activities. All of this existed to bring on a full-time staff
> member – a position which Chad said he wouldn’t take. (Note, he would later
> go back and forth on that decision numerous times). Anyway, we fell short
> of the goal and Chad actually threatened that GAMe would close. I, of
> course, was devastated that the ministry I knew and loved could be in such
> a despicable situation. I was extremely frustrated to learn he was only
> crying “wolf!” — *AGAIN lies used to raise money that he knew would go
> into his own pocket.* **There are many witnesses to this!**
> “Chad was enabled by what is called *Boston Church of Christ* (I believe he
> was indoctrinated in it in the College years, but not sure when), a church
> that builds on drawing people in, digging out their past sins and present
> weaknesses, and then using them as black mail, as ace-cards, if need be if
> they need the control, he will sure to use them, if he has any, against you.
> I believe that many people that you bring to such a meeting will fail at
> the very moment you need them most because they know Chad is holding a card
> for them. Chad is very disturbed in this respect.” **Referring to a
> possible meeting between people who responded against Chad**
> **Anne Benson’s email in regards to her conversation with Chad:
> *”We also felt that Chad was not the leader he claimed to be. Chad would
> often refer to himself as a pastor (and even *attended Pastoral functions
> when he has never been ordained*) and would often make snide remarks
> against real pastors. Even though he mentioned several times that the
> point of the ministry was not to take away from their church, he would make
> my sister and I feel as if our church wasn’t good enough. Many snide
> remarks were made about our church ministry, simply because we didn’t have
> a lot to offer young adults. This was very hurtful, as our dad was and is
> the pastor of our church. GAMe was supposed to be the best of both worlds:
> a place where we could interact with people our own age, while still
> attending a church we love.”
> “Once the decision was made, I decided to talk to Chad in a non-offensive
> way. Not being completely honest, I explained to Chad that my sister and I
> were leaving the ministry solely based on not having enough time to devote
> to GAMe. Even though we were leaving in large part due to Chad’s poor
> leadership, we didn’t feel as if we could truly be honest about this
> without him attacking us. Needless to say, even the sugar-coated version
> caused Chad to say very mean, inappropriate, and hurtful things. He said
> he was extremely disappointed in me and had felt as if I had done a poor
> job as a leader for quite some time. He, then, went on to say, that he
> hoped I was happy with the way my life was now. Because in ten years, I
> would be exactly the same: alone and single. I said to him, “I’m glad I’m
> getting out now before I end up like you.
> As if this weren’t enough, he proceeded to corner my sister and say the
> exact same things to her. He said she was not going to meet any young
> people in our church and that she, too, would end up alone and single down
> the road.
> *As hurt as we were, we were simply glad we didn’t have to be around him
> anymore.* We were glad to start fresh. No, we never confronted Chad or
> told this story to anyone on the board. We simply wanted to be done with
> Chad for good. *The only reason we are coming forward now is that we want
> people to know the truth about their so-called “shepherd.” * We don’t want
> any more people to get hurt. If sharing our story will help put a stop to
> Chad’s disgusting ways, then we are happy to oblige.” ****IS THIS THE TYPE
> OF PERSON YOU SUPPORT??**** (also note Anne Benson is highly respected, her
> word is golden)
> **Chad’s e-mail to a girl who wouldn’t sign a commitment form for the
> Hebrews study:*
> Chad’s comments –“You have so much to offer in many area’s, and for that I
> feel a great lose. You are smart, devoted to things you commit towards,
> and certainly offer up a challenge to me when needed. I need that spirit
> as does GAMe.
> However, my decision remains one I feel was a timely and for one major
> reason amongst many……because I care about “you”! YOU are too important
> to let this slide.
> So, how does caring about you, lead me to be willing to see you step out?
> Well, first let me state that* I’m not “having you step out”, I would be
> “allowing you” to decide to stay or step out.* And what I am doing isn’t
> for my sake at this point, but yours.
> Many ministries take summers off, so I don’t feel bad for once every few
> years taking only those considered “ready” to go deeper, and get them in a
> special “class”. People can still connect outside of study, but this
> session doesn’t need to be a burden, or divisive, but a privilege and honor
> to be able to attend.
> Here is what i see. You are right in many of the things you said
> above………and let me stop here to clarify the one major one I saw.
> 1. Nobody except our accounting team see’s any giving. Rest assured, they
> won’t be holding you accountable. But considering the Bibles teaching,
> even in Hebrews, faith without works is not only dead but we are to “exhort
> one another every day , as long as it is called “ today ,” that none of you
> may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin”, I think the principle of this
> is solid. Considering Christ spoke so frequently, even specifically about
> others finances, I don’t feel we couldn’t or shouldn’t be exhorting each
> other on the topic of giving! (yet again, I will clarify, if anyone in
> GAMe was to exhort you in that area, it would be on the heart condition,
> not specifics of amounts.)
> Ok, back to what I see….pride, some stubbornness, *a bit of a lack of
> submissiveness*, tell me those aren’t heart issues you struggle with? You
> have way too many talents to not be in a ministry that cares more about YOU
> then what you have to offer! Don’t let those keep you from such a place.
> I want to see you grow, not just be used. I want you to see yourself as
> part of this family, not just part of the ministry. There are lots of
> other ministries that won’t care as much about helping you work through
> those topics, they will just be glad to use your skills.
> However, for me I say this all the time (especially to really talented
> musicians) “we don’t need your talents, until we have your heart”. Just
> signing a piece of paper doesn’t display heart, but NOT being willing
> somehow does.
> I would be glad to talk, but this is about shepherding the people God has
> called me too…….and I suppose the simple way of summing this up is
> “those who God has called me to shepherd, hear my voice and know my
> heart”. I think you do, but you need to wrestle with another voice called
> “you” and decide which voice wins.
> I’m here to help, not argue the topic, but answer question that ease your
> mind. To share my heart. The only biblical principle I am following is
> obeying Him who leads me. If Him who leads you from heaven tells you not
> to honor him who leads you here…..then He probably has a different place
> for you, that you will feel comfortable following, that you hear his heart
> and respond quickly. I take no offense if I’m not that person.”
> **What warranted this e-mail?:
> “This ‘back and forth’ conversation occurred before I knew very much about
> Chad at all. This was also prior to the very loud and public conversation
> that took place one night by the pool tables where he told me if I showed
> up the next week he would have police waiting to escort me off HIS property.
> Also, at the time I wrote this letter, I felt I wanted to keep attending
> GAMe…to enjoy the fellowship of other single believers my age, despite
> underlying conflict with Chad. To that end, you will see I wrote these
> e-mails in a very complimentary and flattering way. I tried to affirm Chad
> in these e-mails as much as possible, knowing that if I kept coming to GAMe
> I’d be treated like a leaper by him even if I was as delicate as possible
> in these e-mails.
> Dear Chad,
> Thanks for your letter! I’m glad you wrote me because I felt, just as you
> said, that “the issue has perhaps distanced us.” I quite detest that
> development, because the truth is that I admire you very much. I think
> you’re a FABulous leader and visionary and challenging speaker. I enjoy
> your company, perhaps mostly due to the fact that you are a strong man, a
> masculine and passionate man – and there aren’t very many of THOSE amongst
> our generation. 😉
> I want to apologize if I’ve communicated anything other than total
> excitement and ‘gung ho-ness’ about this particular GAMe study. I am, as
> you say, ‘All in.’ I LOVED that illustration you used last Tuesday night
> with the deck of cards – very apt. So, yes, I desire to ‘follow
> leadership’ and ‘come alongside [you] in [your] vision.’ GAMe has become
> a place where I feel I can minister and be ministered to. I can encourage
> and be encouraged, serve and be served, offer biblical insight and receive
> it. I can’t begin to tell you how last Tuesday I enjoyed the small group
> study with those in my group. Thank you for everything you’ve done to
> facilitate that.
> But even more importantly, I am obeying two biblical mandates in coming.
> First, I am commanded in Hebrews 10:25 not to ‘forsake the gathering of
> yourselves together.’ And secondly, in Acts 17 Paul commends the Bereans
> for searching the scriptures to seek and find truth, and I wish to be like
> a Berean, so that I may one day also be commended. GAMe assists me in
> pursuing both of these activities. In attending GAMe without signing the
> paper commitment form, I fulfill two biblical mandates and leave one
> extrabiblical one undone.
> And I’ve already spoken to the ‘why’ of my decision not to sign, but to
> reiterate –
> 1. I told you it seems like a tool designed to have some benefit, but
> I cannot figure out whom it benefits. I’ve been in prayer about my
> commitment to GAMe and feel very clear on what my relationship to GAMe is
> hopefully to be. Hence, signing the form does not clarify any sort of
> direction or commitment to me, since I have already pondered, contemplated,
> prayed, and committed. And if you yourself find some benefit (which is
> what you communicated that it does), such as…whatever – confidence because
> you see mass adherence to direction, or some other assurances gained from
> the signatures – then I guess I hope you instead come to gain assurance of
> the effectiveness and direction of your leadership from scripture.
> 2. It seems to me perhaps with this form you have attempted to “see”
> commitment in some way evidenced. However, you can’t see into someone’s
> heart (or “see” their commitment level) by getting their signature on
> paper. You CAN however, see someone’s commitment lived out as you watch
> their actions. Over time. As they are consistent. Or, if you had wanted
> evidence of commitment, there ought to have been some action required to
> show that commitment – some sort of sacrifice made. (ex. – If someone had
> to fast alongside you for three days before they could attend, THEN you
> could “see” they were willing to sacrifice something/commit to study
> scripture alongside you.) But commitment claimed with a signature hasn’t
> helped you see people’s commitment levels – it has helped you see adherence
> to direction. {Side note: this is where I see your illustration of a
> school elective making the most sense – there is a monetary sacrifice made
> to attend those classes; a signature promising to attend doesn’t do
> anything and is not asked for…the payment is what matters…the actions of
> the student.}
> 3. There is some inconsistency in what your form says and what you
> have been saying to me. You write on the form that you don’t mean to say,
> “Do ‘this’ or ‘that or do not come.” But that is exactly what our
> discussion both in person and via e-mail has come to be. “Sign, or do not
> come.”
> 4. To address one of your bullet points, you state the attendee must
> desire to give financially, and then at the end of the bullet points there
> is a reminder that leadership can hold everyone accountable to what they
> have signed. (so, perhaps equivalently stated, ‘hold everyone accountable
> to whether they give financially or not.’?) The problem with this is that
> not even a church or church leader has the scriptural right to demand
> financial accountability of volunteer attendees. (It should also be noted
> that a church leader, who is given authority in scripture to discipline
> concerning sinful behavior, is not given authority to discipline for lack
> of evidenced commitment.) And GAMe is not a church.
> Let me follow this by saying that I have joyfully already financially
> supported GAMe by giving money at meal time, and I have asked Heather twice
> to contact me about regular monthly withdrawals from my bank account.
> This is a joy to me, not a burden. My point is simply to point out where
> these bullet points require of the believer even what scripture and the
> church are not to require. So…why are we requiring more of people to
> fellowship alongside of us than even scripture does?….
> If upon reading what I’ve written of my heart’s attitude and intent you
> still do not desire for me to study the scriptures alongside my fellow
> believers due to a lack of a signature, then if you wish it, I would be
> pleased to meet with you. We can talk about whatever you would like. I
> will not change my mind about attending, but I have loved the times (such
> as on the bus back from Colorado) that you and I have gotten to talk to get
> to know each other.
> I’m free Tuesday. Well, that is, I’ll push off some commitments and MAKE
> myself free. Let me know if earlier (like 3-4) or later (5-6) in the
> afternoon works better for you. Whichever time-frame you pick, I’ll call my
> galfriends and tell them I have to give them the other portion of Tuesday
> afternoon, before or after meeting you.
> Talk to you soon!
> Cristy
> I personally am aware of a time when Chad was extremely inappropriate with a young lady in GAMe. I was not there, and she has not advised of any
> witnesses, but God as my witness I believe her testimony to be true! She
> said one night she and Chad were “wrestling around” and Chad ended up on top of her. She said that Chad began to *rub himself on her* and that she
> could feel his private parts. She froze and went cold. After a short time
> of him rubbing on her back and forth he finally stopped… Did he “get off”?
> She was not sure about that. She said she felt *extremely violated*, but
> because she didn’t tell him to stop, *she blamed herself *for it happening.
> —THIS IS CRIMINAL, CHAD IS THE ONE AT FAULT! She trusted Chad and he
> violated her!!!
> “When I first came to GAMe I heard about the girls that were always at his
> house. I saw this first hand right away. He didn’t really have male
> friends, but there were always girls in his kitchen and or watching movies
> late at night. I thought it was a little weird, but having a complicated
> past myself I wasn’t about to judge. I just assumed that guys would show up
> eventually. I’m not saying that I saw anything specific besides my own
> experience, but the appearance he created was very disturbing, and people
> did talk about it. I just assumed that he was dating one of the girls…
> until he hit on me. I wanted to believe I had found a safe place, but I
> never found that there. *Chad touched me more like a boyfriend would touch
> a girlfriend*. I was brand new and didn’t have anyone to tell about the
> awkwardness at the time. **Important note: I am in my mid-20s! Chad is 41!**
> It was the blurred lines in everything that Chad did that worried me.
> Calling his house a “ministry house” and having people walk through or hang
> out in his bedroom made me uncomfortable.”
> ***You know the funny thing is… there are even more things that i wasn’t
> even able to share…. everything that is done in dark is going to come to
> light! Many people were afraid to come forward because of Chad’s actions in
> the past (but they still prayed and e-mailed support for the rest of us!)
> Somehow the people and the accusations that come up against Chad have
> always been silenced….****THE SILENCE HAS BEEN BROKEN!****
> ****Are we still going to meet? YES WE ARE! Everyone show up to GAMe
> Tuesday February 28th! Together we can make a difference! Together we are
> strong!! I need everyone who can come out to come out, including all the
> pastors who have received this email. Invite friends!**** (Also, if anyone
> is worried and wants to give Chad a chance to defend himself, go ahead, ask
> him about anything said here or anything you have heard about!) *Don’t just
> stop there, come every Tuesday! Take GAMe back! It is not Chad’s ministry!*
> I want to say, there are more stories, more specific disturbing instances
> that I have not shared. And if you are someone who has a story, it is not
> too late to share. I will respect your wishes to keep whatever you want
> confidential. And I will continue to be the voice that God has called me to
> be. I will not stand by the wayside while this Monster continues to use his
> power in disturbing ways. If you don’t want to e-mail, I encourage to
> gather friends and come on Tuesdays and stand up against Chad with backup.
> No one needs to confront him alone anymore! Know that there are obviously a
> lot of us out there that feel the same way!
> *FYI — This email was sent out early after I was informed that Chad
> Peterson in his paranoid bi-polar mind (which for the record it is a fact
> he is bi-polar and so are people in his family) has threatened to have a
> young lady fired from her job. And furthermore he threatened to sue the
> company itself for allowing her to use it’s resources. CRAZY! — He will
> not be allowed to hurt people any longer. As Christians we are called to
> take a stand! We can’t just wait for him to step down. His actions show
> that he does not intend to do that at all.
> *
> Ezekiel 33 7-9:
> 7 “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so
> hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. 8 When I say to the
> wicked, ‘You wicked person, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak out
> to dissuade them from their ways, that wicked person will die
> for[a<>
> ] their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. 9 But if you
> do warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so,
> they will die for their sin, though you yourself will be saved.
> *GAMe Truth*



Below is an email sent me on 1-22-2012,  Anonymous.


 Great Adventure Ministries a.k.a. (GAMe) brings in approximately $3,500 a
month from contributions from people who attend GAMe (according to the
financial reports handed out when GAMe is asking for money). It is listed
that GAMe's president receives $1,000 a month, which is not true. Chad is
paid $2,500 every month from GAMe:
** $1,500 to use a small room in his house as an office
** $1,000 as a monthly stipend
The ministry is struggling financially and using up its savings for monthly
needs while begging attendees of GAMe to donate more just to keep the
lights on. Why is Chad taking such a large percentage of what GAMe brings
in while hiding it from everyone? Is that how a shepherd takes care of his

Chad has a full-time executive job with Hormel that pays extremely well. He
also manages and rents out homes to people who attend GAMe. He is not
hurting for money by any means. GAMe is not thriving because they are
paying Chad such a large amount even though he doesn't need it.

Matthew 6:21 says "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be
also" and Matthew 6:24 says "No one can serve two masters. Either you will
hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and
despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

Employees of GAMe have to fundraiser and beg friends and family to fund
their payroll. One employee is sending out envelopes to get paid. She is
currently working for no pay. The other gets paid hourly, but her hours are
capped so she can only earn a little each month (less than Chad).

The main point is that most people giving money to GAMe do not know how
much money Chad really receives from GAMe. After I found out I was
appalled! When giving to GAMe it is like giving Chad 70 cents out of every
$1 you give. Ask yourself, is that where your money should be going? GAMe's
money is not going to shepherd the lost, but into Chad Peterson's pocket.
GAMe will continue to lose money every month because the odds of GAMe
growing is practically impossible. Chad has been involved in multiple fall
outs resulting in many people leaving GAMe for good. The worst instance was
in early 2010. GAMe lost a majority of its members and had to completely
rebuild. Their numbers haven't even come close to what they used to be.
Over the last several years most board members have left because they have
found out the truth about Chad's character. Red flags!!

Why are the finances such a secret? Why spend the extra money when an
office could easily be set up in the GAMe building? With this knowledge
becoming public will GAMe change anything? I hope so. I couldn't keep this
information to myself any longer. Don't you want TRANSPARENCY from your
leader? GAMe could do so much more with an extra $1,500 every month!

If this was the only red flag involving Chad it would be more simple.
Unfortunately there have been many claims since GAMe started and even
before that (see ) It is even worse now
because he is in his mid-40's and he is still being accused of being
inappropriate with young girls and not having any accountability .

** I have personally been touched inappropriately by Chad Peterson and
would openly admit it to anyone who asked.
** A few girls who lived in one of his houses felt so harassed that legal
action had to be taken.


Comment by Paul Hansen- It is a duty to report such activity and expose Chad,
If you do not is is like giving approval or at the minimum being an enabler.
The bible says; "..that if one sees a crime and does not report it, he is to
be punished the same as the one doing the crime.."
You are only allowing such men to move to weaker members in the family of God
with even greater skills at deception and more bravery.
Remove such men from leadership and if need-be from fellowship.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
"And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing (evil done by a man), and
 is a witness, whether he hath seen or known of it; if he do not utter it,
then he shall bear his iniquity (be likewise/also guilty)."

>>  See Comments below:

1-24-2012  TO: Truth, From Paul Hansen

I am one who normally does not shrink from doing what is right.

That I detect as we have in common.
My motto, coined by me, is and has been for many years- “If a man considers the consequences of doing that which is right before acting, he has already accepted a bribe.”
I have several men that would “like” to bring issue of Chad’s systematic sins, over the many (20+) years, but few are strong enough to bring it to fulmination.

One man shared with me that Chad was much like a male playboy in college, of the worst sort.

Why if all the men and women that I know of only would all show it would be close to thirty people.

Be it a true warning, Chad is an expert at deception.

Showing humbleness, and repentance, when confronted by elders and such, but my experience is that he is completely playing on the weakness that most nominal Saints possess and that being of inadequate decrement in such areas.

Two of the most discerning men I know that confronted Chad came away with close to the same conclusion, and that being;

a. he is not of the Family of God,

b. he can not repent because he is not one of the elect, he is a fake, I too fall on that side, not praying amen, but that is what the spirit in us senses, may we be listening to the Spirit.

You are forever blacklisted from his activities, and also all those that associate with you.

But trust me there is life out here away from such unhealthy, codependent gatherings as Chad builds.

Chad was enabled by what is called Boston Church of Christ (I believe he was indoctrinated in it in the College years, but not sure when), a church that builds on drawing people in, digging out their past sins and present weaknesses, and then using them as black mail, as ace-cards, if need be if they need the control, he will sure to use them, if he has any, against you.

I believe that many people that you bring to such a meeting will fail at the very moment you need them most because they know Chad is holding a card for them.  Chad is very disturbed in this respect.

I will meet with you on your terms most any time you desire.

Strike while the iron is hot or you will get little changed.


Paul John Hansen  402-957-2853  

p.s. A few have contacted me thanked me again for standing against Chad many
 years ago. I have never revel the names of the girls that have come to me in the past,
and I'll keep your information the same.

Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 20:44:27 -0600
Subject: Truth About GAMe/Chad Peterson
I am not trying to hide my identity because I am being cowardly. But I am afraid of being persecuted for sharing the truth. Chad has proven to be a very powerful person…well, very manipulative. He seems to always get what he wants, and if you don’t agree with him or follow him, you are kicked out of GAMe.
I want to:
1. Share the truth. 
2. Help others who have been hurt by Chad/GAMe. 
3. Protect others from being scarred by Chad.
I will come forward, but not quite yet. I am not sharing my identity because everyone in the past that has tried to come up against Chad has failed. Many people have been kicked out or asked to leave.
I want to challenge anyone in the same situation as me to e-mail me. I cannot go against Chad on my own, but there is power in numbers. I have already had many responses similar to mine. I knew that others had struggled while confronting Chad, but I was brought to tears while reading responses to my first e-mail! I would like to bring us all together with a pastor to discuss this. (I am talking about the people who like me have been in or around inappropriate situations involving Chad.)  As far as the people questioning if this is being done biblically….Chad knows who I am, and things have been brought to his attention first. This is our opportunity to bring it to the church! It would be impossible to do this any other way. I have forgiven him for what he has done to me. But I don’t believe we should sit by idly while it continues. History keeps repeating itself.The finance are just finances… I don’t agree with them, but if you are OK with the amount of money going to Chad, then keep giving. Chad can give and give to the ministry, but what he has taken away by causing so many people to leave GAMe can never be replaced. He has damaged the reputation of GAMe, he has damaged me, and many of you.
“The current board” was acknowledged in an e-mail to GAMe members that was passed on to me. It said that they have never heard any accusations of problems against Chad. “The current board” consists of people who haven’t had their fill of Chad and left yet. The former board members have heard many stories and accusations. They hold the real truth.How many of us is it going to take before Chad stops being inappropriate with young women? Who is Chad surrounded by? Young women. Clear boundaries have been set in place with his coworkers (another point in the e-mail to GAMe members) because of accusations made against these women and Chad.*I would like to address an important question I was asked in an e-mail response:
Below is another Mailing of concerned Brethren.
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 12:25:46 -0500
This e-mail was sent by a girl who simply has called herself "GAMe Truth" on Thursday February 23rd, 2012 and has been part of a string of e-mails she has sent over the last month to current and former members of Great Adventure Ministries. I have decided to forward this for those (mainly current and former GAMe members, former board members, tenants of Chad's, along with others who have had past dealings with Chad) who may not have not seen it and to have a chance to decide for themselves if what is being presented here is true. If anyone has something to add feel free to respond, though preferably please contact the woman below if you have things to add of your own. One thing for sure is that an effort needs to be made to organize all of those out there who have plenty of witness and testimony to Chad Peterson's conduct as GAMe's leader and to his past conduct with singles ministry at Christ Community Church. The efforts of this girl is perhaps a start. For the time being I am keeping everyone in this e-mail undisclosed from everyone else; there is approximately 75 people I am forwarding this to. If anyone does not want to receive any more e-mails about this subject matter, please let me know. Otherwise I am hoping this is the only time I am having to pass something like this forward. I do this because I know many people are in the dark about these matters and I also know there are many out there who have gone through all this hurt and don't realize there are others in the same boat as them. It is my hope that Chad's eyes are opened by the Holy Spirit to the things he may be doing wrong. But it is also my opinion that God's grace towards him may be running out and this may be the approaching end to Chad's involvement with singles ministry. Note: The opening story involving several of Chad's tenants is NOT about what happened with the girls who used to live there two years ago (namely Chad's ex-girlfriend and her roommates). This is allegedly an incident that occurred in the last few months. Richard ----- Original Message ----- From: "GAMe Truth" <> To: "undisclosed-recipients:" Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 3:04 PM Subject: THIS IS IT! about Chad Peterson... I don't want to bring a case against Chad in court, that is not my point. I could never win against such a *master manipulator*. What I want to do is shed light where sin has been hiding in the dark… In quotes throughout this email are comments from people responding to the call to stand up for what is right! *"First of all, thank you for bravely doing what so many of us have wanted to do for so long: take a stand against Chad Peterson. I never felt the need to come forward with my story... until now. Like you, we were afraid of the repercussions. But, the time has come that our stories must be told."* **Author wanted to remain anonymous** Below you will find numerous accounts of Chad’s abusive behavior, his deception involving finances and taxes, and his disturbing sexual misconduct. There is a lot of information, but I would like to start with a story that fired me up to start this journey. Hearing that there might be paperwork and evidence against Chad finally gave me a reason to step up and do something!: Three friends living in one of Chad’s houses were *severely harassed* by Chad, to the point where a *restraining order* was put in place to protect them against this Monster! The ladies had Chad served by the local authorities. All they wanted was to live in peace for those last few weeks as they scrambled to find a suitable house to stay in where they would feel safe again. The restraining order was put into place because Chad continually bothered these girls. Chad would show up at their house unannounced to use the hot tub that was in their backyard, and many times the ladies were frightened (they brought this to his attention many times). Also Chad wanted to share his opinions on a particular matter that they didn't agree with and he continually bothered them and violated their safe place, their home. It got so bad that the *Omaha Police Department* investigated the situation and sent a letter to the ladies advising that if they came in and signed a complaint Chad would be charged with *misdemeanor harassment* and put in jail. (Please note, I have a letter from the Omaha Police Department showing this to be true). When a christian is struck on the left side of the check, the bible calls us to turn the other cheek, correct? So what did Chad do? He hired an attorney immediately (probably using GAMe’s resources, but this has yet to be proven) and basically scared the girls into dropping the suit. Chad then turned around and sued the girls for fictitious reasons, later this would be dropped. Chad then refused to give the girls their deposit back. They did move out as asked. They also stopped attending GAMe because their presence there made Chad uncomfortable. This is NOT what a christian man does! Even worse, while Chad had a *restraining order* placed on him while the harassment charges were being settled, the girl who filed them was not allowed to attend GAMe in case Chad was there. Chad decided to start coming back before the legal actions were completely settled. The girl was permanently banned from GAMe. Of course all of these issues were kept quiet in GAMe and denied all over the place. Keeping the girls away helped to keep everyone out of the loop. *Don't be fooled!* This story is FACT, not hearsay at all! Ask around. Rumors wouldn't be flying around this much if it wasn't true! *****Here are some of the most interesting quotes from people who have responded***** **If you saw someone hurting your friend, would you just walk away? I can't just stop giving to GAMe or stop going to GAMe. That won't do anything. It won't help me to help my friends. Chad is hurting our ministry! I want GAMe to grow so badly and I want a place to invite people that need Christian fellowship, but I haven't been able to invite anyone to GAMe for a while. I'm embarrassed! I can't bring anyone else into this environment. Especially young women. The events are costing more now because we can't draw in enough people. How much more money are we going to spend on advertising? *Just advertise that Chad is gone and all of the past GAMers that are still single will come running back!* **"What am I supposed to do when my non-Christian friends want to go to GAMe events? Do I encourage them and hope that they see enough light before they are drawn into all the nastiness?" **"What always fascinated me was how afraid friends of mine were of him and because I think I kept my distance I never experienced the full force of him." **"I am very thankful you are planning on bringing this up to a pastor. I have been blessed to be underneath some very godly pastors at my church. I am training there to be an intern, so I spend a lot of time with them. Being a female, I see how careful they are to be accountable and above reproach when they are around me. They take their role as pastors, and my heart as a single female who is in their care, very seriously, and I thank them so much for it! Given such godly examples right up close, there has been countless times I've been faced with the reality of exactly how much Chad is not behaving at all like a pastor should, like you mentioned. Instead, he is exactly the biblical example of a false teacher and should be exposed. " **"From what I can tell Chad is in full ownership and control of GAMe and the only way to put that to an end is either a) make GAMe too much of a financial burden for him to not want to continue maintaining it or b) he is convicted by the Holy Spirit. Considering he has put in approximately $50,000 of his "own money", it's going to be very hard for him to walk away from what has been a very rewarding personal/business experience for him (friends, a potential dating pool, the prestige, the power, the control, people in GAMe being renters to pay off his multiple homes, etc.)." “Below is what Chad has done to me, and what I have seen him do 1) Lying - to the board to get me kicked out, and to me regarding what the board had heard, also to many other people - Angie Kment, Erin Stargel 2) Manipulation and abuse - threatening me with being kicked out of GAMe and being sent away from my friends, as well as using past relationship pains against me in conversation 3) Using ministry authority for revenge, and requiring all GAMe members to be complicit in that sin (Matt Joens & Katie Joens, Kristina Wieners) 4) Holding certain girls in dating limbo - treating them as his property, sabotaging any guy’s attempt to date them 5) Trying to block and/or destroy relationships to keep control of the girls 6) Unlawful eviction: Chad’s absolute control over renters, and additional leverage of control as ministry leader has been abused in multiple cases. In some cases he used personal discomfort as the tool, but it still is a violation of due process 7) Blackmail & Smearing - whenever someone comes up against them, Chad drags out all the dirt he has on that person to shut them up. If someone complains about mistreatment of a friend, Chad tells them all kinds of dirt on that friend. In this way he maintains cult like control via fear." ***E-mails from former members and a former board member*** ***Within the last 3-4 months the entire board has stepped down! Two years ago the same thing happened. Both times the board asked Chad to step down and instead the board members ended up leaving because Chad wouldn't go. THIS IS INCREDIBLY DISTURBING!!*** August 31, 2010 Chad Peterson, We come to address you because we, the undersigned, love Great Adventure Ministries. We feel that this ministry has served singles in a needed way and that God could use this ministry in larger ways. We, however, feel that this cannot happen with you as the leader. We have seen a cycle in your life that is unsettling and recent events have given us great concern. We do not see godly characteristics in your current leadership. We will list some of our reasons below: The lack of honesty in regards to members of the board resigning The number of people that have had conflict with you that resulted with them leaving The way that dissenting voices are silenced; misusing the word gossip The inability to accept rebuke (i.e. from the board, specifically Roseana Smith) The lack of respect you have for people’s boundaries The spreading of gossip about former members In light of the reasons above, we, the undersigned, will not be a part of Great Adventure Ministries with you as the leader; either you remove yourself from leadership or we will leave and speak the truth to whom it may concern. Sincerely, Chris Stargel Brad Roe Erin Ostberg Jennifer McBride ****** & *******, September 2011 First, Chad has a consistent track record of drama. A consistent record of speaking inappropriately to others. I have spent so much of my time on such unnecessary things, it is ridiculous! Meetings about how people don’t agree with Chad, meetings about how people are friends with Chad’s enemies, meetings where I am asked to be a referee… I mean what the heck? Is this really what being a pastor looks like? Is this what we are paying Chad to do? Second, Chad has serious issues involving inappropriate behaviors. Whether it is allowing a young girl to stay at his house (*******), and the girls’ house is right next door?! He left a GAMe group, recently, to go back home to watch a movie with a young 24 year old, alone, who had recently visited GAMe for the first time (within the past month) (******) FYI 17 year age difference. Hot tub rules don’t apply to Chad (the girl guy ratio rules), Chad is the only guy in the hot tub with multiple girls. Both of our staff girls have admitted to having feelings for Chad, and yet they both work for him, alone with no other males present. He has multiple best girl friends, and yet his relationships with other males do not go very deep. Is this what you see in your pastors life? Third, everyone makes mistakes! David made great mistakes, and yet God said he was a man after his own heart. Why? Because he had a truly repentant heart! I hear all too often Chad making excuses for why things are the way they are, and very very rarely does he own up and take responsibility. And the times when he does finally apologize, it is only because he has been called out by several people. He doesn’t ever claim responsibility, or cop up to what he has done wrong. And, again, if he does finally admit something, there is no real consequence, so it eventually just happens once again. Is this really the picture you have of a caring pastor? And on that note Chad is almost down right mean to people who have chosen to be friends that used to go to GAMe. Seriously, what kind of crap is that? Is that how a caring pastor acts? He has devastated a young lady, namely ********. He has confused her, hurt her, broken boundaries with her by getting too close. And yet, I have seen this man in rage and angry about how her hurt has hurt his image. This is disgusting and a disgrace to God himself. Tell me, is this really what a pastor looks like? Chad ultimately only cares about Chad. He may open his house up, and take us on some cool boat rides, but deep down, its all for him, especially when it comes to his image. ******, you heard ****** say at the meeting we had, “Chad you are a self proclaimed pastor.” I have personally talked to Chad about this before, and he had told me that he did not choose this title, but the people of GAMe chose this for him. Well maybe if he acted like a pastor, he would be thought of as a pastor, but he doesn’t act like one, and as you witnessed ******, he is not thought of as a pastor. And if he were a pastor at a church, there is no way he would continue in this role, he would be asked to leave. And today that is what I am asking. I am embarrassed of what is going on. I don’t want my friends to come to GAMe. I hope you two have gotten to know me, at least a little. Within the past year I have become very close to Chad, he has been like a brother to me. I know this email will cause much pain, but if I don’t stand up for what is right, than I never deserved the second chance that God gave me at life. There has been no policy as far as consequences for this kind of behavior with our leader. At an Assemblies of God church for example, when inappropriate behavior is displayed, the first time there might be just a warning, but after that a pastor would be asked to leave. If that person is serious about repenting and still being in the ministry generally they are counseled by another old pastor for a couple years and then reevaluated. Too many issues, too many people hurt. It has to stop. Many people have come to me in confidence, as I am really the only other strong male leader. I am open to talk to the two of you. As of right now you two are the only ones to have received this email. I have been in prayer about this for a long while now. Still praying, **** ******* (The author asked that the other names in this e-mail be hidden for confidentiality) Here are the main issues GAMe members have with Chad: *1. FINANCES *No one is saying that Chad should not be paid. But all of the income and all of the resources from GAMe are there to benefit Chad Peterson. Like I have said before approximately 70% of GAMe contributions go directly into Chad Peterson’s pocket. Also, there are *apparent violations of tax laws*. Chad appears to be using GAMe as his *personal tax shelter, *and the organization is structured so that *he holds all the assets if it folds*. It appears that GAMe’s earnings insures a private individual in violation of the,,id=96099,00.html . Chad’s actions of controlling, appointing and having extensive financial interactions with the board also appears to violate IRS guidelines . Chad also has rental houses that he calls “ministry houses”, and he somehow ties this into GAMe’s tax shelter. Which is totally *illegal* seeing that not everyone who rents from him even attends GAMe. But by calling them “ministry house’s” he is able to avoid paying most Federal Taxes as well as most local state taxes because GAMe is a non profit 501C3* --THIS IS ILLEGAL--.* Rest assured the IRS, along with the local State Tax Board will be notified of this fraudulent activity. Also, one person stated,--- “we had a huge open house and did numerous fund-raising activities. All of this existed to bring on a full-time staff member - a position which Chad said he wouldn't take. (Note, he would later go back and forth on that decision numerous times). Anyway, we fell short of the goal and Chad actually threatened that GAMe would close. I, of course, was devastated that the ministry I knew and loved could be in such a despicable situation. I was extremely frustrated to learn he was only crying "wolf!" --- *AGAIN lies used to raise money that he knew would go into his own pocket.* **There are many witnesses to this!** *2. ABUSIVENESS* "Chad was enabled by what is called *Boston Church of Christ* (I believe he was indoctrinated in it in the College years, but not sure when), a church that builds on drawing people in, digging out their past sins and present weaknesses, and then using them as black mail, as ace-cards, if need be if they need the control, he will sure to use them, if he has any, against you. I believe that many people that you bring to such a meeting will fail at the very moment you need them most because they know Chad is holding a card for them. Chad is very disturbed in this respect." **Referring to a possible meeting between people who responded against Chad** **Anne Benson’s email in regards to her conversation with Chad: *"We also felt that Chad was not the leader he claimed to be. Chad would often refer to himself as a pastor (and even *attended Pastoral functions when he has never been ordained*) and would often make snide remarks against real pastors. Even though he mentioned several times that the point of the ministry was not to take away from their church, he would make my sister and I feel as if our church wasn't good enough. Many snide remarks were made about our church ministry, simply because we didn't have a lot to offer young adults. This was very hurtful, as our dad was and is the pastor of our church. GAMe was supposed to be the best of both worlds: a place where we could interact with people our own age, while still attending a church we love." "Once the decision was made, I decided to talk to Chad in a non-offensive way. Not being completely honest, I explained to Chad that my sister and I were leaving the ministry solely based on not having enough time to devote to GAMe. Even though we were leaving in large part due to Chad's poor leadership, we didn't feel as if we could truly be honest about this without him attacking us. Needless to say, even the sugar-coated version caused Chad to say very mean, inappropriate, and hurtful things. He said he was extremely disappointed in me and had felt as if I had done a poor job as a leader for quite some time. He, then, went on to say, that he hoped I was happy with the way my life was now. Because in ten years, I would be exactly the same: alone and single. I said to him, "I'm glad I'm getting out now before I end up like you. As if this weren't enough, he proceeded to corner my sister and say the exact same things to her. He said she was not going to meet any young people in our church and that she, too, would end up alone and single down the road. *As hurt as we were, we were simply glad we didn't have to be around him anymore.* We were glad to start fresh. No, we never confronted Chad or told this story to anyone on the board. We simply wanted to be done with Chad for good. *The only reason we are coming forward now is that we want people to know the truth about their so-called "shepherd." * We don't want any more people to get hurt. If sharing our story will help put a stop to Chad's disgusting ways, then we are happy to oblige." ****IS THIS THE TYPE OF PERSON YOU SUPPORT??**** (also note Anne Benson is highly respected, her word is golden) **Chad's e-mail to a girl who wouldn't sign a commitment form for the Hebrews study:* Chad's comments --"You have so much to offer in many area's, and for that I feel a great lose. You are smart, devoted to things you commit towards, and certainly offer up a challenge to me when needed. I need that spirit as does GAMe. However, my decision remains one I feel was a timely and for one major reason amongst many......because I care about "you"! YOU are too important to let this slide. So, how does caring about you, lead me to be willing to see you step out? Well, first let me state that* I'm not "having you step out", I would be "allowing you" to decide to stay or step out.* And what I am doing isn't for my sake at this point, but yours. Many ministries take summers off, so I don't feel bad for once every few years taking only those considered "ready" to go deeper, and get them in a special "class". People can still connect outside of study, but this session doesn't need to be a burden, or divisive, but a privilege and honor to be able to attend. Here is what i see. You are right in many of the things you said above.........and let me stop here to clarify the one major one I saw. 1. Nobody except our accounting team see's any giving. Rest assured, they won't be holding you accountable. But considering the Bibles teaching, even in Hebrews, faith without works is not only dead but we are to "exhort one another every day , as long as it is called “ today ,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin", I think the principle of this is solid. Considering Christ spoke so frequently, even specifically about others finances, I don't feel we couldn't or shouldn't be exhorting each other on the topic of giving! (yet again, I will clarify, if anyone in GAMe was to exhort you in that area, it would be on the heart condition, not specifics of amounts.) Ok, back to what I see....pride, some stubbornness, *a bit of a lack of submissiveness*, tell me those aren't heart issues you struggle with? You have way too many talents to not be in a ministry that cares more about YOU then what you have to offer! Don't let those keep you from such a place. I want to see you grow, not just be used. I want you to see yourself as part of this family, not just part of the ministry. There are lots of other ministries that won't care as much about helping you work through those topics, they will just be glad to use your skills. However, for me I say this all the time (especially to really talented musicians) "we don't need your talents, until we have your heart". Just signing a piece of paper doesn't display heart, but NOT being willing somehow does. I would be glad to talk, but this is about shepherding the people God has called me too.......and I suppose the simple way of summing this up is "those who God has called me to shepherd, hear my voice and know my heart". I think you do, but you need to wrestle with another voice called "you" and decide which voice wins. I'm here to help, not argue the topic, but answer question that ease your mind. To share my heart. The only biblical principle I am following is obeying Him who leads me. If Him who leads you from heaven tells you not to honor him who leads you here.....then He probably has a different place for you, that you will feel comfortable following, that you hear his heart and respond quickly. I take no offense if I'm not that person." **What warranted this e-mail?: "This 'back and forth' conversation occurred before I knew very much about Chad at all. This was also prior to the very loud and public conversation that took place one night by the pool tables where he told me if I showed up the next week he would have police waiting to escort me off HIS property. Also, at the time I wrote this letter, I felt I wanted to keep attending enjoy the fellowship of other single believers my age, despite underlying conflict with Chad. To that end, you will see I wrote these e-mails in a very complimentary and flattering way. I tried to affirm Chad in these e-mails as much as possible, knowing that if I kept coming to GAMe I'd be treated like a leaper by him even if I was as delicate as possible in these e-mails. Dear Chad, Thanks for your letter! I’m glad you wrote me because I felt, just as you said, that “the issue has perhaps distanced us.” I quite detest that development, because the truth is that I admire you very much. I think you’re a FABulous leader and visionary and challenging speaker. I enjoy your company, perhaps mostly due to the fact that you are a strong man, a masculine and passionate man – and there aren’t very many of THOSE amongst our generation. 😉 I want to apologize if I’ve communicated anything other than total excitement and ‘gung ho-ness’ about this particular GAMe study. I am, as you say, ‘All in.’ I LOVED that illustration you used last Tuesday night with the deck of cards – very apt. So, yes, I desire to ‘follow leadership’ and ‘come alongside [you] in [your] vision.’ GAMe has become a place where I feel I can minister and be ministered to. I can encourage and be encouraged, serve and be served, offer biblical insight and receive it. I can’t begin to tell you how last Tuesday I enjoyed the small group study with those in my group. Thank you for everything you’ve done to facilitate that. But even more importantly, I am obeying two biblical mandates in coming. First, I am commanded in Hebrews 10:25 not to ‘forsake the gathering of yourselves together.’ And secondly, in Acts 17 Paul commends the Bereans for searching the scriptures to seek and find truth, and I wish to be like a Berean, so that I may one day also be commended. GAMe assists me in pursuing both of these activities. In attending GAMe without signing the paper commitment form, I fulfill two biblical mandates and leave one extrabiblical one undone. And I’ve already spoken to the ‘why’ of my decision not to sign, but to reiterate – 1. I told you it seems like a tool designed to have some benefit, but I cannot figure out whom it benefits. I’ve been in prayer about my commitment to GAMe and feel very clear on what my relationship to GAMe is hopefully to be. Hence, signing the form does not clarify any sort of direction or commitment to me, since I have already pondered, contemplated, prayed, and committed. And if you yourself find some benefit (which is what you communicated that it does), such as…whatever – confidence because you see mass adherence to direction, or some other assurances gained from the signatures – then I guess I hope you instead come to gain assurance of the effectiveness and direction of your leadership from scripture. 2. It seems to me perhaps with this form you have attempted to “see” commitment in some way evidenced. However, you can’t see into someone’s heart (or “see” their commitment level) by getting their signature on paper. You CAN however, see someone’s commitment lived out as you watch their actions. Over time. As they are consistent. Or, if you had wanted evidence of commitment, there ought to have been some action required to show that commitment – some sort of sacrifice made. (ex. – If someone had to fast alongside you for three days before they could attend, THEN you could “see” they were willing to sacrifice something/commit to study scripture alongside you.) But commitment claimed with a signature hasn’t helped you see people’s commitment levels – it has helped you see adherence to direction. {Side note: this is where I see your illustration of a school elective making the most sense – there is a monetary sacrifice made to attend those classes; a signature promising to attend doesn’t do anything and is not asked for…the payment is what matters…the actions of the student.} 3. There is some inconsistency in what your form says and what you have been saying to me. You write on the form that you don’t mean to say, “Do ‘this’ or ‘that or do not come.” But that is exactly what our discussion both in person and via e-mail has come to be. “Sign, or do not come.” 4. To address one of your bullet points, you state the attendee must desire to give financially, and then at the end of the bullet points there is a reminder that leadership can hold everyone accountable to what they have signed. (so, perhaps equivalently stated, ‘hold everyone accountable to whether they give financially or not.’?) The problem with this is that not even a church or church leader has the scriptural right to demand financial accountability of volunteer attendees. (It should also be noted that a church leader, who is given authority in scripture to discipline concerning sinful behavior, is not given authority to discipline for lack of evidenced commitment.) And GAMe is not a church. Let me follow this by saying that I have joyfully already financially supported GAMe by giving money at meal time, and I have asked Heather twice to contact me about regular monthly withdrawals from my bank account. This is a joy to me, not a burden. My point is simply to point out where these bullet points require of the believer even what scripture and the church are not to require. So…why are we requiring more of people to fellowship alongside of us than even scripture does?.... If upon reading what I’ve written of my heart’s attitude and intent you still do not desire for me to study the scriptures alongside my fellow believers due to a lack of a signature, then if you wish it, I would be pleased to meet with you. We can talk about whatever you would like. I will not change my mind about attending, but I have loved the times (such as on the bus back from Colorado) that you and I have gotten to talk to get to know each other. I’m free Tuesday. Well, that is, I’ll push off some commitments and MAKE myself free. Let me know if earlier (like 3-4) or later (5-6) in the afternoon works better for you. Whichever time frame you pick, I’ll call my gal-friends and tell them I have to give them the other portion of Tuesday afternoon, before or after meeting you. Talk to you soon! Cristy *3. SEXUAL PERVERSION:* I personally am aware of a time when Chad was extremely inappropriate with a young lady in GAMe. I was not there, and she has not advised of any witnesses, but God as my witness I believe her testimony to be true! She said one night she and Chad were “wrestling around” and Chad ended up on top of her. She said that Chad began to *rub himself on her* and that she could feel his private parts. She froze and went cold. After a short time of him rubbing on her back and forth he finally stopped… Did he “get off”? She was not sure about that. She said she felt *extremely violated*, but because she didn’t tell him to stop, *she blamed herself *for it happening. ---THIS IS CRIMINAL, CHAD IS THE ONE AT FAULT! She trusted Chad and he violated her!!! "When I first came to GAMe I heard about the girls that were always at his house. I saw this first hand right away. He didn't really have male friends, but there were always girls in his kitchen and or watching movies late at night. I thought it was a little weird, but having a complicated past myself I wasn't about to judge. I just assumed that guys would show up eventually. I'm not saying that I saw anything specific besides my own experience, but the appearance he created was very disturbing, and people did talk about it. I just assumed that he was dating one of the girls... until he hit on me. I wanted to believe I had found a safe place, but I never found that there. *Chad touched me more like a boyfriend would touch a girlfriend*. I was brand new and didn't have anyone to tell about the awkwardness at the time. **Important note: I am in my mid-20s! Chad is 41!** It was the blurred lines in everything that Chad did that worried me. Calling his house a "ministry house" and having people walk through or hang out in his bedroom made me uncomfortable." ***You know the funny thing is... there are even more things that i wasn't even able to share.... everything that is done in dark is going to come to light! Many people were afraid to come forward because of Chad's actions in the past (but they still prayed and e-mailed support for the rest of us!) Somehow the people and the accusations that come up against Chad have always been silenced....****THE SILENCE HAS BEEN BROKEN!**** ****Are we still going to meet? YES WE ARE! Everyone show up to GAMe Tuesday February 28th! Together we can make a difference! Together we are strong!! I need everyone who can come out to come out, including all the pastors who have received this email. Invite friends!**** (Also, if anyone is worried and wants to give Chad a chance to defend himself, go ahead, ask him about anything said here or anything you have heard about!) *Don't just stop there, come every Tuesday! Take GAMe back! It is not Chad's ministry!* I want to say, there are more stories, more specific disturbing instances that I have not shared. And if you are someone who has a story, it is not too late to share. I will respect your wishes to keep whatever you want confidential. And I will continue to be the voice that God has called me to be. I will not stand by the wayside while this Monster continues to use his power in disturbing ways. If you don't want to e-mail, I encourage to gather friends and come on Tuesdays and stand up against Chad with backup. No one needs to confront him alone anymore! Know that there are obviously a lot of us out there that feel the same way! *FYI -- This email was sent out early after I was informed that Chad Peterson in his paranoid bi-polar mind (which for the record it is a fact he is bi-polar and so are people in his family) has threatened to have a young lady fired from her job. And furthermore he threatened to sue the company itself for allowing her to use it's resources. CRAZY! -- He will not be allowed to hurt people any longer. As Christians we are called to take a stand! We can't just wait for him to step down. His actions show that he does not intend to do that at all. * Ezekiel 33 7-9: 7 “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. 8 When I say to the wicked, ‘You wicked person, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways, that wicked person will die for[a<> ] their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. 9 But if you do warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so, they will die for their sin, though you yourself will be saved. *GAMe Truth*
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11 Responses to Chad Peterson, Chad Michaels, aka, Excommunication, Christ Community Church,, Omaha, Nebraska

  1. John says:

    Looks like when you become a ‘member’ of a church, you essentially give them power over you, much like getting a driver’s license and renting your vehicle from the State. In this case, you are ‘renting’ your soul from the Church… i.e., you are putting your faith, not in Christ, but in the church elders, for your salvation. I think you would do well to consider this comparison, and proceed accordingly. The only church I will participate in is the Universal Life Church, under whose authority I have been a minister since Sept 1969. The ULC does not dictate what you believe, what or how you conduct your ministry. The ULC is the only church in the USA that fully conforms to the intentions of our Founding Fathers as regards freedom of religion. All others are dictatorships that dictate how you should live, behave and pray.

    Of course, this is just my opinion; I could be wrong.

  2. Mark Ashton says:

    My name is Mark Ashton and I am the current lead pastor at Christ Community Church. Somebody let me know about this blog.

    Let me assure you that this has not happened since my arrival in 2006. Further, I checked with two elders – one who has been on the board since and the other who has been on for 15 years, and has attended for his whole life.

    Both assured me that nobody has ever been excommunicated from CCC. Although this is a Biblical possibility for church discipline, the elders here have never had to exercise discipline in that manner. Further, they both assured me that the elders have not ever been made aware of a kind of an episode of sexual harassment as described in this blog. We are very grateful for this and humbly trust God’s grace and provision that it may not happen in the future.
    Paul Hansen’s Response— I appreciate your concern, but you are miss informed, people came to me and told me that hundreds of people were called together and informed that I was excommunicated, another wonderful couple that attended your church before me contacted me and said they were excommunicated in much the same way, for much the same reason. I have many people that have contacted me as being present at the excommunications, and I must say, all appearance show you are being misinformed, as to what has happened in both cases is a terrible misuse of Church Authority, which I fully believe in, and would agree is not used nearly often enough to prevent ungodly conduct by church members and leaders, but it should never be used against those called forward to correct such immoral acts that occasionally occur even in the best gatherings of the Family of God. I was told by girls in the CCC of specific acts, and when reported the elders that were appointed to oversee refused to investigate impartially, they only did it in such a way that put extreme fear in the hearts of the girls that were violated, as one girl even told me that the violator contacted her and suttally threaten her with excommunication if she persisted, and this was reported to the elders and the response I was told was- “we will not call in the Girls and ask any such questions”.

    • John G says:

      At this juncture I would suggest a bit of research Mr Ashton, I’ve learned that it’s pretty easy to do a “soft excommunication” where you never really kick someone’s butt, you just let them know very clearly they aren’t welcome anymore. And it most certainly is a very possible scenario being described; I’ve seen similiar (not identical, but similiar) cases go down in Omaha area churches before.
      Not to say Mr Paul isn’t blowing it out of proportion; he could very well be, it’s a very natural human tendency. But if this is the reality, or even close to it, then it sounds like a serious issue.

  3. Good Guy says:

    Also I was disappointed in Mark Ashton’s denial of your excommunication from
    Christ Community, which I clearly remember it being publicly announced.
    Good Guy- x CCC Member

  4. anne says:

    there were so many elders, and men that called themselves elders at CCC in the 90s. It took a few years to clear up the confusion, and finally the actual elders are listed on the CCC website. It is possible that Paul spoke to a man that wanted to be an elder, as it seemed, for a time, that nearly every man was calling himself an elder.

  5. Anne says:

    I wondered if you were ever going to be willing to change the name of this website to “Why I have been re-accepted at Christ Community Church”. The reign of pastor Bob is over at Christ Community Church; and people have told me they have seen you there, since Pastor Mark has become the Lead Pastor. So, I wondered if you were ready to move on yet ?

  6. Pingback: Chad Peterson, Great Adventure Ministries, Omaha, Diagnosed?? | Paul John

  7. matt waters says:

    A lot of this is pretty accurate, Chad is a douche and pretty sheisty. The problem is really that you Christians are such sheep, its sickening. You are so caught up on old ideas that you are afraid to think for yourself. Get to know the real Jesus. don’t fall for the Christian agenda anymore which keeps you in fear and bondage.

  8. Travis says:

    Now that game has a full time prophet what is next.
    Will game have a church out in the country.
    What is the potential for another situation like the one in waco texas…
    Another David Karesh
    For those who really understand these situations is it actually an unrealistic jump in logic?

  9. Matt says:

    When I was at GAMe Chad was very rude to me a couple of times. We once had a discussion about the pope, and based on a single comment of mine against the pope he started yelling at me. During our arguing he constantly cut in, was rude, and didn’t let me speak. One time he kissed the wall, it was so odd. Chad is so involved with the Roman Catholic church, which is a cult, so as to ignore the Biblical injunction not to have fellowship with false teachers. I also gave someone a Gospel tract on Catholicism which was confiscated by the leadership. I also sent an email critical of the Roman Catholic church, but, also containing the Gospel. I was told not to write to the email list again, Ross and Andrea pulled me aside and grilled me on this subject for more than an hour, they also cut in and didn’t let me speak. The Gospel is an obstacle for these people at GAMe. Chad also made a derogatory racial comment about Hungary where I come from, likening it to a third world country where they use outhouses instead of normal bathrooms.

  10. Perry Lindsey says:

    Paul please post his natural genetic talents by posting his learning style profile; of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator as can be found on line. David Keirsey book Please Understand Me second edition. The LS is ENTJ Field Marshall. HIs strengths must be exposed. They unfortunately have been corrupted to do evil. This will supply a larger profile of Chad. People then will not be as in the dark about what his talents are that he is perverting.

    Tks Perry

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