Monthly Archives: November 2022

Robert Fox makes his own passport / I.D., and wins his Federal Case.

‘Advanced Legal Researcher’, arrested many times, over many years, Robert Fox makes his own passport / I.D., arrested for false I.D., and wins in federal court. TAKE AWAY from this case – never add symbols, words, or statements, to a document … Continue reading

Posted in Identification / Private, Passport | Leave a comment

Verification, Wet-Ink Notes

Verification, Wet-Ink Notes Be advised that verification is defined (Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition) as follows: “Confirmation of correctness, truth, or authenticity, by affidavit, oath or deposition”.  Affidavit of truth of matter stated and object of verification is to assure … Continue reading

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Liberty, Vocation of Your Choosing

The “TAXING AUTHORITY” of the United States, and all its subdivisions, are greatly limited. To govern, to tax, they must have: Evidence you did the business in land owned by them. (25% of America is owned by the U.S.) They … Continue reading

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